COSATU Western Cape is appalled by the provincial government’s non-use of hundred and ten luxury BMW vehicles.

10 July 2023

The Congress of South African Trade Unions(COSATU) in the Western Cape has learned with great shock about the hundred and ten (110) luxury BMW Vehicles that were purchased in 2022 and never utilized. Instead, we were informed that 60 of these vehicles are gathering dust at the Gene Louw Traffic College in Brackenfell while the other 50 vehicles are kept at a garage owned by government. 

COSATU condemns this wasteful expenditure and demands an investigation immediately to ascertain the facts and for the responsible parties to be held accountable. What is more disconcerting is the fact that no one wants to take responsibility for this act.

These vehicles could be used on our roads for effective traffic use and law enforcement.

The shocking amount of money revealed as wasteful expenditure is unacceptable.  We were informed that one vehicle cost close to R850 000, 00.

We are calling on the Premier and the MEC to be transparent to the residents of the Western Cape about the circumstances around this, intended use of these vehicles and steps to be taken to deal with the responsible persons.

Issued by COSATU Western Cape

For more information, please contact:

For questions, please call Malvern De Bruyn on – 060 977 9027.

                                      Motlatsi Tsubane on –     074 482 6180