COSATU to make submission on Traditional Courts Bill to Portfolio Committee on Justice 12pm 14 March, Parliament

COSATU will present its submission on the Traditional Courts Bill to Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services at 12pm Wednesday 14 March, V227, Old Assembly, Parliament.

COSATU commends the Department of Justice for engaging civil society organisations and removing many of the most controversial and offensive clauses in the previous draft of the bill.

COSATU will be presenting further proposals to:

  • remove remaining problematic aspects;
  • strengthen the protection of women and vulnerable groups; and
  • to ensure that it fully reflects the ethos of our democratic Constitution and respects citizens’ freedoms.

For further information, please contact:

Matthew Parks

Parliamentary Coordinator

Cell: 082 785 0687


6th Floor, Constitution House,

124 Adderley Street

(corner of Church Street)

Cape Town 8000, South Africa