NEHAWU condemns Isreal use of lethal force in Gaza and demands Israeli ambassador to be kicked out our country

“Apartheid Israel can be defeated, just as apartheid in South Africa was defeated.” – Winnie Nomzamo Madikizela- Mandela, 2004

The National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union [NEHAWU] condemns the cold blooded execution of more 59 Palestinians by apartheid Israel during a peaceful protests at the Gaza border fence.

The aim of the protests was to call for refugees and their descendants to be allowed back to their family homes in Israel. Majority of Palestinian people are refugees whose homes are in Israel. The United Nations has demanded that Israel allow all Palestinian refugees to return home but Israel has denied them this right.

Apartheid Israel gave instructions to its snipers and soldiers to use live ammunition against non-violent protestors who were simply calling for the right of return for Palestinian refugees to the homes and villages which were taken over by force by armed settlers groups in 1948. It is expected that the death toll will go up because of the lack of medical supplies in the Gaza Strip, which has been under an Israeli land, sea and air blockade for more than ten years.

As NEHAWU, we support the call for an inquiry into the bloodshed. Apartheid Israel must account for the loss of innocent lives. We also call on our government to cut all ties with Apartheid Israel starting with the implementation of the African National Congress 54th Conference resolution calling for an immediate and unconditional downgrade of the SA embassy in Israel to a liaison office. The national union welcomes the recall of the South African ambassador from Israel, however, we also demand that on our government kicks out the Israeli ambassador out of our country.

We will work with our ally the Boycott, Divestment and Sanction South Africa [BDS-SA] and other fraternal organisations to intensify mass actions in solidarity with the Palestinian people in protest against this most recent Israeli criminal violence.

Issued by NEHAWU Secretariat
Zola Saphetha (General Secretary) at 082 558 5968;
December Mavuso (Deputy General Secretary) at 082 558 5969;
Khaya Xaba (NEHAWU Media Liaison Officer) at 082 455 2500 or