The Liberated Metalworkers Union of South Africa (LIMUSA) takes this opportunity to wish our sister union, the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) a successful 16th National Elective congress which will take place from the 20th to the 22nd of June 2018 in Gauteng. We wish all the delegates a successful congress with fruitful and informed engagements in the best interest of mine workers.
The NUM was founded amidst the relentless fight against the apartheid regime. It is a union born out of the struggle of the working class and was founded at a critical time of our history. Equally, it is one of the founding unions of our trade union federation, the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU).
The NUM is known for grooming the most advanced cadres for both the movement and the revolution. The current President of South Africa is the founding General Secretary of the NUM, and he is also joined by Comrades Gwede Mantashe, Kgalema Matlanthe, Senzeni Zokwana, Madoda Sambatha and many other comrades who dedicates their lives to the development of South Africa as paved by the National Democratic Revolution. The quality of leadership is complimented by the level of ideological clarity and consistency of the NUM.
The Congress of the NUM take place at a critical time when the safety of mine workers has become headlines in the media rather than the priority of mining bosses. This year alone, the number of total fatalities has been counted as forty which is totally unacceptable and reflects a sector in crisis. The arrogant Sibanye Stillwater accounts for 50% of the total fatalities for this year.
We are aware that the congress will take place simultaneously and parallel to the wage negotiations at Eskom. Our hopes are placed more on the congress, to find lasting solutions amidst this onslaught of both government and business on the working class. However, we wish NUM all the best during the wage negotiations.
LIMUSA is hopeful that the NUM will use this congress to sharpen their strategy and tactics in confronting the capitalist onslaught on mine workers. The NUM must use this opportunity to reposition itself in confronting the new challenges which are starting to emerge in parallel with the old ones.
We anticipate the outcomes of the Congress with optimism and eagerness, and we wish the congress delegates everything of the best in their deliberations. We are hopeful and confident that the union of the founding President of COSATU, Elijah Barayi, will take decisions which are both in the best interest of the NUM and the entire Mass Democratic Movement.
Issued by LIMUSA.
For more information contact:
Cedric Gina (General Secretary)
083 364 7977
Mawonga Madolo (Deputy General Secretary)
083 613 8610
Dloze Matooane (Media and Communications Officer)
065 819 6793 or email: