Members of the Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union (POPCRU) from across the country will tomorrow, Friday 13 July 2018, descend upon the city of Pretoria for a national march in taking their long-held grievances and demands to departments within the criminal justice cluster.
Despite continuous engagements with these departments, conditions faced by our members within policing, corrections and traffic are yet to be addressed, which has led to unimaginable conditions that have left our members with no other alternative but to take to the streets.
Members will be marching for, among others, the full implementation of all signed agreements and resolutions, the restructuring of the South African Police Service, nationalisation of traffic, proper tools of trade, an end to police killings, the finalisation of grading of PSA Appointees levels, the finalisation of shift patterns, payments of outstanding Occupation Specific Dispensation (OSD) in Correctional services and promotion policy.
We will be handing over memorandums of demands to Ministers Bheki Cele, Dr Blade Nzimande, Michael Masutha and Aaron Motsoaledi respectively.
The march will take place as follows;
Gathering point: Old PUTCO Depot, Marabastad (Opposite Home Affairs)
Arrival Time: 07h00
Commencement Time: 09h00
Handing over of Memorandums: 14h00
The following routes will be utilised;
Strubben Street > right turn onto Thabo Sehume Street > Madiba Street > Union Buildings.
Media is hereby invited to cover the national march.
Issued by POPCRU on 12/07/2018
For more information contact; Richard Mamabolo- 063 695 6663