Post-NUM National Women Structure Committee meeting

The NUM National Women Structure (NUM-NWS) held its national committee meeting from the 12th – 13th July 2018 at the Elijah Barayi Memorial Training Centre in Midrand. The women representatives from the NUM 11 regions gathered and reflected on the following key matters:

On the current mining charter debates:

The NUM-NWS is disappointed with the approach taken in amending the charter. The women structure feels that the decrease in % (percentages) allocated to women was totally unacceptable and should be improved. The structure also feels that ownership and representation opportunities to be expanded to women. There also should be clear allocation and representation on women, youth & people living with disabilities. The three (3) categories should benefit or allocated accordingly, youth & PLD’s allocation should not be registered under women.

Employment Equity has proven without reasonable doubt that, white women were never classified as the previously disadvantaged and they have therefore benefitted. The mining charter should be clear and specific on reference to black women as African, Coloured and Indian women. Representation and allocation on housing should not compromise women & people living with disabilities, and housing opportunities not to use the “one size fits all approach”. The charter must give housing options and be flexible.

On mining fatalities:

The NUM-NWS is worried about the increasing number of fatalities continuing in the mining industry. This was putting more pressure on women both politically and economically not only because women become immediate widows but they indirectly become victims due to the fact that financially and socially, the burden increases as they are to look after their families.

As women, we also want to align ourselves with the statement that says our member’s goal is to work in these mines for their families not to go and die underground as it is currently happening.

These mining houses are to be held accountable and where there is evidence of none-compliance, Section 54 should apply with immediate effect and those found responsible should be held accountable and face the law. We have noted with dismay the failure on the part of the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) that we hoped will assist.

On the upcoming COSATU national congress:

The NUM-NWS would like to wish COSATU a successful congress that is scheduled to take place in September 2018. We believe that all COSATU affiliates will do what is politically correct to keep COSATU relevant and noting with no shame that COSATU is NUM and NUM is COSATU. Women in the NUM would like to see and appreciate proper emerging of both genders. Our political preference as women is to see COSATU President or General Secretary positions being given to women. It should not be about balancing numbers but women with capacity must be given a chance. We want to see women leaders who will not be leaders of other leaders but leaders of constituencies.

For more information, please contact:

Mathapelo Khanye: NUM Women Structure National Secretary: 082 561 2010 / 064 051 3904