COSATU Limpopo to embark on rolling mass action against corruption and VBS Looters

The Congress of South African Trade Unions in Limpopo joins millions of South Africans in deploring the impudent raid of monies of the working class and the poor in the VBS. This is the most deplorable and unforgivable thieving of monies of poor people in the history of our present time.

The federation had at its 5th Provincial Congress held in July 2018, resolved as follows regarding the VBS saga:

a) That the law enforcement agencies must speed up the investigation of the matter and charges preferred against the perpetrators.
b) That there must be consequence management for all leaders of municipalities that flouted the MFMA by investing in the Mutual Bank.

1. On senior leaders of the alliance implicated

  • In its discussion, the federation was guided by the resolutions of the ANC 54th National Congress particularly on unity and renewal of our movement. Part of the renewal project includes fighting corruption within the state and prompt action against leaders accused of thieving of public resources.
  • The federation further believes that the alliance cannot convincingly and effectively campaign for the 2019 General Elections with a dark cloud hanging over its senior leaders.
  • We are therefore calling:
  • The South African Reserve Bank, the NPA and the Hawks to institute legal proceeding against those implicated as a matter of extreme urgency.
  • The immediate recusal and or suspension of the affected senior leaders of the ANC and the SACP pending the finalization of internal organizational and judicial processes.
  • Welcome the decision of the ANC NEC to refer the matters of its leaders implicated in the ‘report” to the National Integrity Committee and urge them to expedite urgency.
  • The immediate suspension and or recall of political leaders and senior officials in municipalities implicated in the illegal and unlawful investment of public monies into VBC.

2. On workers retrenched by the VBS curator

It has come to our attention that almost hundred (100) employees of the VBS have been served with retrenchment letter by the curator. Our union in the sector, the South African Society of Bank Officials (SASBO) had an opportunity to meet with the curator to discuss the future of these workers. The federation, through SASBO would engage the curator further with a view to save the jobs of those employees within the spirit of the recent Presidential Jobs Summit.

3. COSATU Provincial Rolling Mass Action

COSATU as a campaigning trade union federation has resolved to embark on a rolling mass action against corruption and VBS looters in the province. We are going to mobilize our alliance partners, civil society, ordinary people and the VBS depositors, majority of whom are elderly and poor to join the demonstrations.

3.1 Marches to Municipalities

As part of our rolling mass action, the federation is going to organize and lead demonstrations to all the seven (7) implicated municipalities and demand accountability and resignation of politicians and senior officials who took illegal and unlawful decisions to invest public monies into VBS:

The protest marches will take place on the 02 November 2018 to the following municipalities that collectively unlawfully invested over R 1 billion to VBS.

  • Vhembe District Municipality
  • Tubatse Fetakgomo Municipality
  • Greater Giyani Municipality
  • Lepelle Nkumpi Municipality
  • Collins Chabane Municipality
  • Ephraim Mogale Municipality
  • Makhado Municipality

3.2 Provincial March against corruption and VBC looters

Issued by COSATU Limpopo

Gerald Mkhomazi Twala (Provincial Secretary)

79A Biccard Street



Mobile: 071 587 2872/076 522 8864
