COSATU Free State condemns the killing of a NUM member at Beatrix Mine

COSATU Free State is shocked to learn about the violence that unfolded at Beatrix Mine in Virginia, yesterday afternoon. Reportedly the violence was sparked off by the outcome of the bargaining processes in the gold mining sector, which have been concluded recently.

The issues at stake had everything to do with the employer and the working conditions. It is therefore bizarre that poor workers who left their homes to come and work as the only way to feed and clothe their families, ended up as victims.

We are also informed that four members of the NUM have been injured whilst one lost his life. What saddens us the most is that the latter comrade was due to travel home to bury his deceased father, when he met his untimely death.

We find it very difficult to understand how could it be that workers could be so agitated that they take up arms against other workers, who are in the same situation or even worse ,instead of venting their anger at the Capitalist bosses who continue to exploit them.

We find it very difficult to understand how a worker see the other worker as an enemy, whose life should be taken or be maimed because of the dispute or dissatisfaction with the employer.

We would like to implore upon all workers regardless of their affiliation or membership to calm down and allow the legal processes to unfold in resolving the differences at hand.

As COSATU Free State, we condemn the worker on worker violence as a matter of principle as all workers have been forced by the capitalist system to sell their labour power for survival. No worker comes to work to be injured or to lose his or her life. Workers should always stand together side by side in confronting the employers, who continue to exploit them to acquire the super profits.

We would like to relay our condolences to the family of the deceased worker ,as well as wish speedy recovery to the injured workers. We call on SAPS to protect our members investigate the matter.

Issued by COSATU Free State

Enquiries Provincial Secretary Monyatso oa Mahlatsi @ 010 219 1373 or 076 115 9923