COSATU Mpumalanga to fully support the NEHAWU John Gomomo Memorial Lecture

The Congress of South African Trade Unions will give full support to the John Gomomo memorial lecture organised by its affiliated union in the public sector NEHAWU. The lecture will serve as a platform for workers to engage and learn more about the pivotal role that Cde John Gomomo played by towards our liberation struggle. Further than that the lecture will offer the opportunity for workers and participants to learn more about the values Cde John Gomomo represented. 

The lecture will also offer the opportunity for workers to deepen their understanding about the unity of the alliance and why they should continue to support the ANC, advance the NDR and work for its landslide victory in the current political discourse.

The event is scheduled to take place as follows:-

Date : 17 April 2019 
Time : 10h0
Venue: KaBokweni Mpumalanga Nursing College Elijah hall

The following leaders from the Alliance will be addressing the event:-

COSATU General Secretary Cde Bheki Ntshalintshali
NEHAWU General Secretary Cde Zola Saphetha
ANC NEC member
SACP PEC member
SANCO PEC member

Media is invited

Issued by 
COSATU Mpumalanga
Provincial Secretary