COSATU President Zingiswa Losi to address NEHAWU Policy Conference tomorrow

The President of COSATU, Cde Zingiswa Losi, will address the National Education, Health and Allied Workers Union (NEHAWU) National Policy Conference tomorrow. The details of the conference are as follows:

Date           :         Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Time           :         11:00 AM

Venue         :         Birchwood Hotel, Boksburg, Gauteng

Members of the media are invited to come and cover the event.

For accreditation, please contact NEHAWU Spokesperson, Cde Khaya Xaba at 082 455 2500.

Issued by COSATU

Sizwe Pamla (COSATU National Spokesperson)

Tel: 011 339 4911

Fax:011 339 5080

Cell:060 975 6794