The Congress of South African Trade Unions in Limpopo hereby declares is unwavering support to a march by the National Education, Health and Allied Workers Union (NEHAWU) planned for the 31st July 2019.
NEHAWU which is the biggest union within the public sector in the province has overtime raised numerous issues that affect its members in the workplace and shortcomings within departments in the province. The union had and continues to be at the forefront of public service workplace struggles in pursuit of a conducive environment not only for its members but also for quality service to our people. The issue of non-appointment of post community service nurses, the scrapping of the notorious Provincial Treasury Note 7 and other allied demands have been on the agenda for an unacceptably long time now.
The federation will, therefore, be marching side by side with NEHAWU as we demonstrate our displeasure against the provincial government for failing the workers on the matters mentioned. At the same breath, we wish to call for the provincial government to act swiftly and decisively to respond to the issues on the table. We are making a call to the Premier take a lead in finding solutions.
The federation remains combat-ready to engage the provincial government in support of our union to ensure prompt resolution of these demands
Issued by COSATU Limpopo
Gerald Mkhomazi Twala (Provincial Secretary)
79A Biccard Street
Mobile: 071 587 2872/076 522 8864