The Congress of South African Trade Union is startled by the insane decision of Eskom managers to take the power utility to CCMA demanding a 4,7% salary hike from the cash strapped state entity.
This is nothing but naked greed and selfishness by these millionaires. This is also a reminder that the power utility is imploding not only because of mismanagement but because of greed and corruption perpetrated by those at the top.
These managers are literally demanding that the consumers and taxpayers reward them for mismanaging the power utility. To give in to their demands will be tantamount to rewarding mediocrity. While they are abnormally reflective; they do reflect the toxic culture of greed and entitlement that has led to the near-collapse of Eskom.
It is their incompetence that has led to the current crisis at Eskom that has caused economic dislocation and that risks a social ferment. The above inflation electricity tariffs continue to be a burden on consumers and load shedding that happened on their watch has resulted in job losses. They have nothing to show for the millions they get paid every year and do not deserve an increase.
COSATU is deeply troubled to witness the dearth of leadership in this country, as exemplified by the tomfoolery of the Eskom management. These disciples of the religion of selfism are hellbent on liquidating this country with their rapacious appetite for self-enrichment.
The government needs to show some leadership and act decisively, more so given the very real potential collapse of Eskom and other SOEs. Government has failed to tackle the apartheid wage gap. Management salaries and exorbitant benefits inherited from the apartheid racially skewed wages have ballooned out of control. Management must not only not receive increases as it is under their watch that Eskom was looted and brought on the verge of collapse, but in fact, the wages of the millionaire managers must be slashed and to reduce the wage gap reduced.
Government must reintegrate the public sector entities and SOEs into the Public Service Collective Bargaining Council. The SOEs and other entities have become a law unto themselves.
It is criminal that some of the managers of these failing SOEs earn up to R8 million per annum. This is more than twice the salary of the President of the Republic. This is not sustainable as it depletes the fiscus and threatens the survival of the state and now workers’ jobs and meagre wages are being threatened by these rapacious kleptocrats.
Issued by COSATU
Sizwe Pamla (Cosatu National Spokesperson)
Tel: 011 339 4911
Fax: 011 339 5080
Cell: 060 975 6794