SAEPU calls on community members to stop attacking EMS personnel

The South African Emergency Personnel’s Union (SAEPU) calls on community members to stop attacking EMS personnel and work with law enforcement by sharing information of culprits who made it their day to day duties to attack paramedics. We have learnt with shock yet another unfortunate incident of paramedics attack. Today at around 00:00 a crew from ODI EMS Base was responding to a call in Winterveld, Gauteng when three unknown men started to attack them at gun point and took their belongings including wedding rings.

 EMS personnel continue to be attacked because managers force them to attend calls without police escort especially during the night. We see this as a failure to comply with safety policies and managers must be charged.

We call on all personnel who work night shift to stop attending calls without police escort and to arm themselves with legal guns.

Issued by SAEPU

For inquiries Contact

Makuwa Kgaladi

076 478 1064/065 863 2494
