SAEPU outraged by Limpopo Health Department decision to award Buthelezi EMS tender

The South African Emergency Personnel’s Union (SAEPU) is outraged by Limpopo Health Department decision to award Buthelezi EMS tender. We see this move as disrespect to Limpopo communities who rely on public service because Buthelezi EMS has been trending on the news for wrong reasons that includes corruption and bad labour relations.

We condemn the awarding of this contract especially after President Cyril Ramaphosa’s bold move to give the SIU a green light to start investigating Free State and North West departments of Health and Buthelezi EMS contracts. Before President’s intervention, our engagements with former Health Minister Dr Aaron Motsoaledi have proved that Buthelezi EMS does not add value to EMS sector but causing more problems.

We are calling on police to arrest MEC Phophi Ramathuba because she failed to comply with Department of Health national policy. Before Phophi goes to jail, she must terminate this contract with immediate effect.

Issued by Saepu

For inquiries Contact

Makuwa Kgaladi

076 478 1064/065 863 2494 Email: