SAEPU supports COSATU’s demand for the withdrawal of Economic Strategy document

South African Emergency Personnel’s Union (SAEPU) support COSATU’s demand for the withdrawal of economic strategy document that was released by Minister of Finance Tito Mboweni. Mboweni released a draft economic recovery strategy earlier this week but to our surprise the document was released without stakeholder’s consultation. We agree that documents of this kind must be discussed at the National Economic Development and Labour Council before it goes to public for comments.

We believe that Minister Tito Mboweni is pushing neoliberal and right wing agenda not surprising that his document is supported by DA. Tito is and has been an enemy of workers because his actions are always against workers.  We want to remind him that he is the minister deployed to serve South African citizens including workers but not a prime minister or a President. He is not special in any way or a super minister.

Tito must stop with his tiring reckless comments, if he wants to use social media to profile himself as a comedian/celebrity he better be a stand up comedian and leave our office in peace.

Issued by SAEPU

For inquiries Contact

Makuwa Kgaladi

076 478 1064/ 065 863 2494
