The Congress of South African Trade Unions wishes its affiliate the National Union of Mineworkers a successful Special National Congress starting today, 04 September 2019 at the Inkosi Albert Luthuli International Convention Centre. We wish all the delegates productive deliberations and hope they will use this opportunity to unite the union and answer some of the questions facing the workers and the working class.
Workers are facing a changing workplace due to the Fourth Industrial Revolution and as a country, we are facing a prolonged economic stagnation. This calls on unions to develop strategies that will shape the future.
The NUM and has a proud record of leading not only workers but also a society for more than three decades. This unrelenting and uncompromising fighting spirit has seen the NUM survive many attempts to liquidate it.
The NUM was the first union to adopt the Freedom Charter and went on to influence COSATU to adopt a similar progressive position.
This congress takes place at a time when workers are under siege. The number of mine accidents and fatalities has been steadily going up over the last couple of years.
This congress needs to grapple with all of these challenges and come up with answers that will help our organisations to do a better job of defending our members.
Coming out of this congress, we expect to work with a united NUM to combat unfairness in the workplace.
What is happening at Eskom is worrying and the NUM as a frontline stakeholder needs to take the lead in coming out with solutions.
We wish NUM a successful congress and productive session of a workers parliament.
Long Live NUM! Long Live!
Issued by COSATU
Sizwe Pamla (Cosatu National Spokesperson)
Tel: 011
339 4911
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