NEHAWU supports the financial sector strike led by SASBO

The National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union [NEHAWU] supports the financial sector strike led by our sister union the South African Society of Bank Officials [SASBO].

The strike is scheduled to start on the 27th September 2019 and is part of the build up towards the National COSATU strike on the 7th October 2019. NEHAWU stands in solidarity with SASBO and supports their efforts of highlighting the evil tactics of the capitalist system of using retrenchments in order to rake in more profits.

NEHAWU joins our federation COSATU in condemning Business Unity South Africa [BUSA] for electing to interdict the SASBO strike and we encourage our members to attend the court hearing on this matter today at the Gauteng High Court. The decision by BUSA proves beyond reasonable doubt that they do not care about workers’ jobs instead they are preoccupied by accumulating more dividends.

NEHAWU calls on all its members, workers and society at large to join hands in fighting the job blood bath currently taking place in all sectors of the economy including the public sector. Currently, the real unemployment rate is 38%, with close to 10 million people struggling to get jobs. A concerted effort is required to gallantly fight against unemployment and job losses.

Job losses do not only affect the worker but many other family members who rely on him/her as a breadwinner for survival. Following the jobs summit held last year in October both business and government made commitments to look into other option when faced with having to lay off workers. However, this has not been the case as we have seen the rise in retrenchment and job losses. In this regard, NEHAWU will not fold its fold our arms while workers are sacrificed for profits and will gallantly fight for the job security of all workers.

Issued by NEHAWU Secretariat Zola Saphetha [General Secretary] at 082 558 5968; December Mavuso [Deputy General Secretary] at 082 558 5969; Khaya Xaba [NEHAWU National Spokesperson] at 082 455 2500 or email: