South African Emergency Personnel’s Union (SAEPU) is astonished by the silence and lack of actions from Health Minister and MECs when coming to EMS Personnel attacks. We have received yet shocking news of EMS Personnel attack, which adds to the stats of these unfortunate incidents. Yesterday, 24 September a crew from Motherwell health centre was attacked and robbed at gunpoint on their way transporting two patients to Living stone hospital in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape. It was reported that they were attacked on Cnr Daku Rd and Seyisi Street while waiting for a robot to open for them. Three armed men from nowhere came and opened the driver’s door, took ambulance keys and all personnel belongings while pointing a gun at them.
It’s very frustrating because their silent treatment creates lots of allegations or assumptions that they are the ones sending the thugs to attack EMS Personnel so that they can privatize EMS to the pockets of their comrades. We regard this treatment as a mission to create unrest, to make us lose hope while they are busy selling tenders to their family and friends.
The EMS unit is being attacked in their presence without them bothered to take a single action other than sending condemnation statements. Their statements are not enough because the country is on fire. Let them prove us wrong by taking only one step in attempting to help us.
It’s very disappointing because no MEC of Health in the country is having a tangible plan especially when coming to EMS Personnel attacks including Health Minister maybe because we are not doctors. The only thing they know is to ignore all the plans we put on the table.
We challenge all MECs and the Minister of Health to visit EMS stations which services hot spots areas and respond to emergency calls to those earmarked areas without body guards/blue lights. The aim is to make them understand the nature of our work and the pressure we are operating under.
Issued by Saepu
For inquiries Contact
Makuwa Kgaladi
076 478 1064/ 065 863 2494