COSATU statement on the killing of an NUM member in Marikana this morning

The Congress of South African Trade Unions is deeply disturbed by killing of Kaizer Lungisa Madiba, an NUM member in Marikana this morning. We send our condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Kaizer Madiba. This is deeply disturbing because it represents the continued assassination of NUM members in the Platinum belt that have not been properly investigated by the police. We reiterate our call for the police to find the perpetrators and send them behind bars.

We are convinced that this killing is connected to our planned rally with the NUM in Marikana next month. The culture of assassinations and intimidation has left many workers and families living under siege in the Platinum belt. This is something that cannot be tolerated by properly adjusted and freethinking people.

It is scandalous that after seven since forty-four (44) workers were killed, we are still forced to deal with the spectre of violence that continues to haunt the mining sector and the Platinum belt, in particular.

 The government has to acknowledge its spectacular failure in sorting out the mining sector and the mine bosses have to acknowledge and confront the fact that they are primarily responsible for fostering discord and violence in many workplaces in the sector. The undeniable fact is that their quest for super profits has created orphans and cost workers their lives; and the government’s indifference is bordering on criminality.

The Federation is calling on all workers to rally behind the planned rally in Marikana and push-back against the criminality that is taking root in the mining sector.

Issued by COSATU Sizwe Pamla (Cosatu National Spokesperson)
Tel: 011 339 4911
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