The Congress of South African Trade Union has noted the appointment of Andre de Ruyter as a new permanent CEO of Eskom. We wish him well in his new appointment and hope that he will manage to stop the implosion of the power utility.
The Federation expects the new CEO to push for a comprehensive public forensic audit that is going to give all of us a clear picture of what has been going on at the power utility. COSATU has been repeatedly calling for an investigation into Kusile and Medupi costs to be expedited, including the investigation of private sector tender collusion and the inflation of costs.
Those who have looted must be arrested and their stolen assets returned to the state. The responsible individuals must be dismissed and held personally liable for the costs incurred as a result as provided for by amended Auditor General Act.
It is alarming that companies that have messed up the designs at both Kusile and Medupi Power Stations are still cashing in millions at Eskom.
The new CEO needs to ensure that the power utility can guarantee reliable and affordable electricity to South Africans and the entire economy. He also needs to stop the exorbitantly corrupt coal contracts that have led to unaffordable tariff increases. Electricity tariffs are a burden on consumers and load shedding is causing job losses.
Government must ensure that the IPP generation suppliers must accept price haircuts and not simply be allowed to continue to milk Eskom dry.
Government must amend Eskom’s license to allow to expand its own renewable energy generation capacity.
We are disappointed that the new CEO is being forced to work with the helpless Board of Eskom that has worsened an already bad situation.
In 2018, the Eskom board presented a nine (9) point plan but nothing has improved because we still experience load shedding and the power utility is still haemorrhaging resources.
COSATU will not accept any attempts to retrench workers and we still demand to know how much it will cost Eskom to restructure in terms of transaction advisory fees.
Eskom and government must develop urgent plans for a just transition for workers and communities whose livelihoods are in danger as energy and coal mines reach the end of their life spans in the next few years.
We reiterate our call for this board to be replaced by a new competent board that will present a convincing turnaround strategy and save the economy and the country from calamity.
Issued by COSATU
Sizwe Pamla (Cosatu National Spokesperson)
Tel: 011 339 4911
Fax: 011 339 5080
Cell: 060 975 6794