COSATU wishes its Deputy General Secretary Cde Solly Phetoe a speedy recovery after a car accident

The Congress of South African Trade Unions wishes its Deputy General Secretary Cde Solly Phetoe a speedy recovery after he was involved in a car accident yesterday. We further send our prayers and best wishes to his family. We wish them strength at this difficult time.

The accident happened while Cde Solly Phetoe was on his way to attend the ongoing Central Executive Committee of the Federation. We call on law enforcement agencies to act against the driver of another vehicle who ran away from the scene of the accident.

The family of Cde Solly Phetoe that is still shocked and anxious is requesting privacy at this moment from everyone.

Issued by COSATU

Sizwe Pamla (Cosatu National Spokesperson)

Tel: 011 339 4911
Fax: 011 339 5080
Cell: 060 975 6794