The appointment of Noel Doyle as CEO of Tiger Brands proves that the fight against corruption is a farce

The Congress of South African Trade Unions has noted with concern the offensive decision by Tiger Brands to appoint Noel Doyle as its new Chief Executive Officer. Mr Doyle was disciplined for his role in the bread price-fixing scandal.

The price-fixing episode represented naked theft and the pickpocketing of the poorest consumers of their meagre incomes.

Fixing the price of bread in a country with over 38% real unemployment, 47% of the working poor and 17 million people on welfare is beyond immoral but it’s criminal.

For a person who was involved in this criminal activity to be rewarded with a senior position shows the disdain that Tiger Brands have for the people of this country. The company is doing this after mismanaging the Listeriosis breakout not so long ago that left many people exposed to the disease.

This is a reminder that the South African private sector is mostly corrupt and unaccountable. Poor people with nothing to eat are prosecuted in this country for stealing a loaf of bread, while big institutions and senior executives are slapped on the wrist and allowed to enjoy their stolen loot.

There is no will to fight private sector corruption in this country and the fight against corruption is also tinged with racial bias. While black executives who have been implicated in corruption in the public sector are banished into exile; their white counterparts are being rewarded with positions of power.

Corruption in the private sector has got higher implications because of its ability to affect the whole economy and to bring the economy to its knees.    We can only have a successful partnership to fight corruption if we show the same level on intolerance for private sector corruption as we do for public sector corruption.

COSATU calls on Tiger Brands to rethink this decision and prove that it takes the people of this country seriously and is committed to the fight against corruption.

Issued by COSATU

 Sizwe Pamla (COSATU National Spokesperson) Tel: 011 339 4911
Fax: 011 339 5080
Cell: 060 975 679