The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) in the Northern Cape is looking forward to the upcoming State of the Province Address (SOPA) on Thursday, 27th February 2020. 

The SOPA should be used to account on all commitments made in the last twelve (12) months of government and a platform to outline work to be done to improve service delivery in the province.

We are worried about the escalating levels of poverty, unemployment and the devastating proportion of inequality in society. The Federation expects the Premier’s State of the Province Address to address the following: –

o    deadline on filling-in all the vacant funded posts particularly the critical positions.

o    present a detailed plan with timelines to ensure that all services at government departments are insourced. 

o    A detailed plan to address the question of unemployment particularly youth unemployment.

o    dealing with corruption, especially of reported cases of HOD’s in the Departments of Health, Education, DSAC, Public Works and Safety & Liaison respectively. We call on the Provincial government to facilitate a process of life-style audits on all public servants, starting from the Executive, HOD’s and all Senior Managers.

o    push to ensure that drastic actions are taken for corruption as per 106 Reports at Sol Plaatje,  Phokwane and all other municipalities in the Province.

measures to combat crime in general but paying special attention to Gender Based Violence & Femicide, Alcohol, Drugs and Substance Abuse.

o    A rapid action to ensure that electricity prices/rates particularly in Sol Plaatje Municipality are brought to affordable levels.

o    We expect that, the Premier will outline a plan to repair damaged infrastructure like the appalling state of drainage system, water supply, potholes and the state of roads in general.

o    A comprehensive plan to roll out bulk infrastructure in the townships, villages and rural arears to ensure that people become economically active and to bolster food security for example, water canals at the rural dwellings for backyard vegetable gardening and even small to large scale farming by communities in such areas.

o    The Premier to announce a plan of action with timelines to implement the commitment he made to avail serviced land for workers to build their own houses.

o    Lastly, the Premier is expected to put a deadline for the establishment of both the State-Owned Mining Company and Construction Company.

Issued by COSATU Northern Cape

 For any further clarity contact the Provincial Secretary, Orapeleng Moraladi @ 060 978 5651 or 078 452 6891