We are unapologetic about our support of the court case of Nehawu.
SAEPU is still fighting a serious battle with the Department of Health for exploration of workers during the lockdown because our workers are forced to attend suspected Coronavirus patients with PPE’s.
Currently control centre (call dispatchers) are hiding patient’s information to operational staff so that workers can attend suspected Coronavirus patients unaware. We strongly believe that it is a planned move by management.
On the other hand, our members are intimidated and suspended knowing very well that Union representatives and Labour relations Officials are not in their offices.
We challenge all unions organizing in the Health sector to support Nehawu, it is a battle that must be supported by all unions if they have best interests of the workers.
Issued by SAEPU
For inquiries Contact
Makuwa Kgaladi
076 478 1064 Email: saepu.headoffice@gmail.com