The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) in the Western Cape Region will be donating hand sanitizers to more than 250 households in the TR informal settlement in Site B- Khayelitsha tomorrow (11th of April 2020).
The donation is informed by the fact that most of our members reside in these communities with challenges like bucket system and scarcity of water which pose a greater risk of infection by this deadly virus.
“The donation is comprised of the individual contribution of the members of the NUM, service providers, and friends who heeded the call to play part in the fight against the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). The devastating consequences of the continued spread of the virus require all sectors of the society and all citizens to put their hands on the deck in fighting its spread,” said Soso Fisa, NUM Western Cape Regional Secretary.
“We are mindful of our members who some of might not be getting their salaries especially after the President announced the extension last night. We are further mindful and pledge solidarity with all those workers in other sectors that depend on the economic activities like opening of the restaurants and normal trading to put bread on the table who are now stuck at home possibly running out of groceries. We say to you, if we all exercise maximum discipline, clean our hands regularly with water and soap, sanitize your hands, keep social distance and most importantly stay at home during this lockdown period, we shall all overcome this pandemic quicker and get out of lockdown and return to normal business before we get to a stage that will cause irreparable economic damage,” Fisa added.
The pandemic that we are currently confronted with is not a government problem but every citizen’s problem. Let us all do the bit we can in our individual capacities in obeying the lockdown regulations so that we get back to normal business sooner through demonstration of our victory against the continued spread of the virus.
For more information, please contact:
Soso Fisa, NUM Western Cape Regional Secretary, 073 159 5213