COSATU Northern Cape on the state of the province

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) in the Northern Cape is concerned about the political and socio-economic developments in the Province.

The Federation is deeply perturbed by the devastating impact of COVID -19 on the economy but also on the overall wellbeing of people in general. We are horrified by the growing number of infections in all the regions, especially frontline workers.We are also concerned about the safety of teachers and learners who are being sent back to school.

We call on the Premier and his administration to allocate more resources to protect workers and society at large against the Covid-19 virus.

We acknowledge the ongoing efforts of the department of health in securing the necessary PPEs for our health care workers but more still needs to be done. We demand a full report from the Department of Employment and Labour in order to ensure that those workers are able to claim COIDA benefits.

The Federation sends its condolences to the family, friends, and colleagues of one of our front-line members who tested positive and lost his life to Covid-19.

The Department of Health must intensify its testing capacity in the Pixely Ka Seme region and increase the number of H40 suits for our EMS workers who are tasked with transporting patients both positive and suspected.  We urge the department of health to work with trade unions to protect lives

On the state of provincial government departments

We have noted that the provincial government has been doing some work in preparation for the return of workers to work, in line with the regulations issued by the DPSA. We have concluded that not all departments are ready, with some having failed to present detailed health and safety plans, as required.

All departments should be made to comply and those that are not ready should remain closed. We encourage workers not to put their lives and should report those managers and departments that are not complying.

Gender Based Violence

The Federation is also outraged by the malady of Gender Based Violence (GBV) and the senseless rape and butchering of women and children.We are devastated by the recent case where on Sunday, 14th June 2020 a woman was killed in the town of Hartswater in Phokwani region. This is one death too many and therefore demand that the law enforcement agencies must ensure that the perpetrator is brought to book and receives maximum jail sentence.

On the Alliance

It is our considered view that the Alliance is currently in a realisation stage and that all the Alliance partners are accorded an opportunity to voice whatever discomfort and challenges they might be faced with. This is a positive sign as we work towards a reconfigured Alliance that will enhance our efforts for faster attainment of the goals set in the Freedom Charter particularly on the issues of governance and economy.

COSATU notes and respects the views of all Alliance partners equally and without any favour or prejudice and therefore, the federation’s view is that, the recent comments attributed to the processes of consultation particularly around the issues of deployment which came out on the statement of the South African Communist Party (SACP) of 17th June 2020 and the subsequent response of the African National Congress (ANC) to same are very sensitive and therefore unfortunate and regrettable that they have ultimately found space in the media gallery.

We therefore urge all our Alliance partners to desist from waging political wrangling in the media but to utilise the relevant platforms in an endeavour to find each other and to avoid undue animosity. It is of utmost importance that we should ensure that, proper consultation takes place and that announcements pertaining to the outcome of the Alliance meetings are sanctioned by all partners.

We commit to channel our energies to ensure that the Alliance remains united, strong, vibrant and revolutionary and that it delivers on its mandate of ensuring that the goals of our National Democratic Revolution (NDR) are attained – this is our primary focus at the moment.

On Racism

We support the national campaign launched by the Alliance to eradicate racism in all its forms and manifestations in the workplace, societies, and the world at large. It is for this reason that we will be out in the streets every Friday to demonstrate our disapproval of this repugnant and inhumane act.

Implementation of Resolution 1 of 2018

COSATU is still dismayed by government’s arrogance towards Public servants by reneging on an already signed agreement. We note that this matter is currently at the stage of arbitration to be facilitated by the PSCBC on the 22nd of June 2020. Equally, the attempt to hoodwink workers into giving up their performance bonuses in order to pay for their increment is disingenuous to say the least. We call on all workers to brace themselves for a huge fight in defence of their hard-won victories and should prepare to bring the entire public service to a standstill if needs be.

June 16 and Youth Month

Lastly, we pay tribute to all the fallen heroes and heroines of the 1976 school uprisings and encourage the young people to learn lessons and emulate these selfless cadres who dedicated their lives to our freedom. We call on the youth to refrain from alcohol and drug abuse and to become agents of change in the society.

The struggle continues!

Issued by COSATU Northern Cape

For any further clarity and information please call Orapeleng Moraladi (Provincial Secretary) on 0784526891/0609785651