The National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union [NEHAWU] is at an advanced stage of preparing for the “Tsaya le tsatsi la leave” actionwhich is planned to take place on the 24th August 2020.
This action is an integral part of the broader national program of action as adopted by the Special National Executive Committee of the national union held on the 25th July 2020 in order to protect and defend its members and workers in general from getting infected with COVID-19 as they are subjected to vulnerable conditions to this deadly virus.
The aim of the action is for all our members and workers in all nine provinces to flock the offices of the employer on the 24th August 2020 to apply for a day leave on the following day the 25th August 2020 as they are no longer feeling safe at places of work. Moreover, this action is aimed at sending a clear message to the employer that our members and workers are extremely tired of the hardships brought about by neoliberal policies of austerity measures by government through National Treasury. The outbreak of the novel coronavirus has exposed the unwillingness and refusal by government to ensure that workers are protected and are remunerated decent wages.
Government has been very sluggish in dealing with important issues of health and safety of all workers including paying salary increases, risk allowance or motivational incentive. Our members and workers have been going all out working extremely hard with no material appreciation since the outbreak of the virus so they deserve a day off to relax and recharge their energies.
NEHAWU will continue to do everything possible at its disposal to ensure that government honours the binding collective bargaining agreements particularly Resolution 1 of 2018 while, on the other hand, continue to fight for the provision of safe working conditions and against subjecting workers to hazardous environments which has claimed the lives of many frontline workers and workers in general. History has taught us that at times government and other employers in most cases react better to workers’ demands when workers withdraw their labour power to join the picket lines. This action will serve as a warning shot to government and employers before we implement the rest of the programme of action that the national union is currently mobilising and preparing for.
Preparations including mobilisation for the action are at an advanced stage as the National and Provincial Office Bearers have been on the ground and continue to visit workplaces to listen to workers and mobilise them towards the success of the national programme of action. Moreover, the union will deploy its national and provincial leadership to all strategic workplaces on the 24th August 2020 to support members and workers when flocking the employer’s offices for the application of the day leave.
Issued by NEHAWU Secretariat Zola Saphetha (General Secretary) at 082 558 5968; December Mavuso (Deputy General Secretary) at 082 558 5969; Khaya Xaba (NEHAWU National Spokesperson) at 082 455 2500 or email: