The South African Medical Association Trade Union (SAMATU), after receiving numerous complaints from its members in relation to unpaid salaries immediately contacted the Gauteng Department of Health through the Office of Mr Malotana (HOD) and Mr Cave (DDG) respectively. It is concerning that none of the two officials bothered to respond to the correspondences sent to them seeking to address this matter. This reflects poor leadership on the DoH.
  It is unfortunate that senior officials in government show no respect to their employees. Healthcare workers are under tremendous stress fighting the battle against the pandemic, and yet the department delays to pay their salaries. We have members who to date have no idea when they are going to receive their arrear salaries. It is impossible to understand how the department expects the unpaid healthcare workers to sustain their basic needs.

It is a fact that non-payment is a regular occurrence within the DoH, ignoring the basic rights of the employees; the history speaks for itself.

The contract of employment is binding, and employees must be remunerated accordingly within the time frames. This is not negotiable, and reckless as it directly affects the well-being of employees.

We have stated very clearly that the department must respond to our correspondence and indicate with timelines on how they intend to address the problem, but instead after escalating the matter to the office of the MEC, we received flimsy non committed responses, clearly reflecting the department’s inability to administratively manage its most basic condition of employment.

It is inconceivable that the department expects its employees to render their services while not being paid and putting their lives at risk.

The South African health system is failing healthcare workers.

For media enquiries contact:

Mr Simon Madini
SAMATU Administrative Officer
Tel: 012 943 5770
Mob: 078 984 2224