The Congress of South African Trade Unions in the North West province condemns the ongoing violence in Jouberton that has seen the destruction of property by rival gangs. The Federation believes that there is a relationship between the patronage dispensed by some councilors and officials in the Matlosana Municipality and this violence.
The African National Congress through its Interim Regional Committee (IRC) needs to rein in all its deployees, both political and administrative, and ensure that their focus is service delivery. The community of Jouberton needs services and not violence.
The law enforcement agencies need to be decisive and act against this criminality.
COSATU will work with our affiliate, the South African Municipal Workers’ Union (SAMWU), the alliance partners and with all progressive civil society organisations to ensure that we defend the municipality from being used as a battleground for factional politics.
We will ensure that we do so with maximum discipline and unity in the face of factional strategies geared towards weakening and dividing workers and our communities.For more information contact the Provincial Secretary of COSATU North West, Comrade Kopano Konopi at 082 339 5836