The South African Municipal Workers’ Union (SAMWU) has on the 29th March 2021, formally submitted its salary and wage negotiations demands at the South African Local Government Bargaining Council (SALGBC).
The SALGBC is a platform wherein trade unions and municipal representatives being the South African Local Government Association (SALGA) negotiate salary and wages for workers in all of the country’s 257 municipalities and their entities.
Earlier on this month, the union held its National Collective Bargaining Conference which resolved on the union’s demands towards these negotiations. As mandated by the National Collective Bargaining Conference, SAMWU has submitted its salary and wage demands as follows;
1. A single year salary and wage agreement.
2. R4 000 salary increase for all workers under the auspices of the SALGBC.
3. R15 000 sectoral minimum wage.
4. R 3 500 housing allowance for all workers.
5. 80% employer medical aid contribution and 20% employee contribution.
6. 6 months fully paid maternal leave and 1 month fully paid paternity leave.
7. 25% employer contribution towards pension.
Parties in the SALGBC have resolved that two rounds of negotiations will be held in April and May, with the possibility of going into dispute resolution in June should there be no agreement reached.
The union has not taken lightly the attacks on collective bargaining by the National Treasury, we urge our members to be vigilant and combat ready to defend collective bargaining as these negotiations begin.
As SAMWU, we are confident that we will come out of these negotiations with tangible victory for our members.
Issued by SAMWU Secretariat
Dumisane Magagula
Deputy General Secretary
084 806 4005
Papikie Mohale
National Media Officer
073 7100356