COSATU to present submission in support of the Copyright Amendment Bill to Parliament tomorrow

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) will present its submission in support of the Copyright Amendment Bill to Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition at 17h30, Thursday, 12 August 2021 during its virtual hearings.

This is a progressive Bill that will help ensure indigent learners and students, as well as educational institutions and libraries have access to often exorbitantly unaffordable educational materials.  It will benefit learners and students with disabilities who are often faced with numerous barriers to educational materials.  Access to education is a fundamental constitutional right.  A growing economy is based upon a society where all have access to education and learning materials.  COSATU salutes the tireless efforts of its affiliate, SADTU to champion this, Bill.

Amid, a global pandemic, fair access to copyright is critical to ensure the very survival of millions by allowing them access to affordable medicine.  Profits should not be elevated above the lives of ordinary South Africans. 

COSATU welcomes the efforts by the President and Parliament to ensure that the constitutional concerns with regards to how the Bill was passed by the 5th Parliament and certain clauses are addressed.  It is essential they be addressed in a manner that strengthens the progressive objectives of the Bill. 

It is critical that Parliament strengthens the provisions in the Bill to ensure that ordinary musicians, artists, performers, composers, and authors’ rights to earn a living are protected.  South Africa has seen far too many cultural workers robbed of their hard-earned livings and die in poverty.

The Federation looks forward to Parliament strengthening and passing this progressive Bill and its coming into effect. 

Issued by COSATU.

For further information please contact: Matthew Parks- Parliamentary Coordinator

Cell: 082 785 0687-Email: