COSATU welcomes President’s signing of the Private Security Industry Regulation Amendment Act into law 

 The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) welcomes the President’s signing of the Private Security Industry Regulation Amendment Act into law after being delayed for many years. It is critical that government and the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (PSIRA) ensure its provisions are now implemented. 

The Federation welcomes the PSIRA Act’s provisions seeking to improve the conditions and protections of security sector employees, namely: 

  • Clear minimum conditions of service for security guards and the recognition of their rights.  
    • All too often we have seen security companies treat security guards as little more than glorified slaves and fodder in the face of highly armed and dangerous cash in transit syndicates. 
  • Minimum training standards for security guards to help ensure that they can perform their duties effectively and to be able to protect their own lives. 
  • Minimum standards for Cash in Transit security. 
    • This is critical as CIT security are often sent into extremely dangerous conditions with insufficient training, weaponry, close body, and armoured vehicle protection against CIT syndicates which are well resourced and often highly skilled former military personnel from neighboring states. 

The Federation supports the PSIRA Act’s clauses providing for oversight and accountability of the industry through: 

  • Minimum and ethics standards of conduct for the industry and security service companies. 
  • Clear accountability for the industry to the Regulatory Authority, PSIRA. 
  • The prohibition for persons with financial interests in the sector to serve on PSIRA. 
  • For PSIRA to be held accountable by Parliament; and 
  • For specified local ownership of security companies to be set. 
    • It is hoped this will help develop local ownership of a large, growing, and strategic sector of the economy. 

Issued by COSATU 

For more information contact Matthew Parks– COSATU Parliamentary Coordinator 

Cell: 082 785 0687 
