The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) welcomes the Gas Amendment Bill. The Federation made its submission in support of the Gas Amendment Bill to the National Assembly’s Portfolio Committee on Mineral Resources and Energy today.
COSATU supports the Gas Amendment Bill as it seeks to amend the existing Gas Act to:
- Unlock the sector’s potential growth as a key pillar of the energy mix, and economic base in Mossel Bay and the Southern Cape.
- Ensure industry compliance with Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment requirements.
- Provide for the National Electricity Regulator of South Africa to determine the pricing regime, which is critical for competition and the economy.
- Require the Minister to set an Integrated Gas Development plan to oversee the sector’s growth.
- Provide for compliance and penalty measures for the industry; and
- Enhance and strengthen existing regulatory framework for the sector.
The Bill is progressive, will help capacitate the state and support the sector’s growth.
Issued by COSATU. For further information please contact Tony Ehrenreich at 082 773 3194 or Matthew Parks at 082 785 0687