- We, the Inaugural COSATU Limpopo Provincial Gender Congress, held on the 08th – 09th February 2022 at the Bolivia Lodge and Conference Centre, represented by 105 delegates from 14 affiliates, supported by our alliance partners, civil society, government institutions and gathered under the theme, “Review our Practice: From Policy to Action, Implement and Impact”, declare that:
On Organizational Building
- We are encouraged by the history of relentless work and commitment by our federation in its struggle for gender transformation within our unions, the workplace and in society.
- Noted that the dimensions of gender are mostly misunderstood and that the understanding of gender continually evolves.
- The conference also noted that there has been many positive legislative and policy advancement towards gender equality and significant progress with women’s representation in institutions in the past 25 years.
- However, it is not enough to achieve fundamental change towards non-sexism and women’s emancipation.
- Inclusion of women in COSATU and affiliate structures will certainly contribute towards creating conditions for the removal of gender inequalities, but it does not challenge the structural basis of those inequalities.
Therefore we resolve to:
- To increase understanding of Gender and its operations in all levels of our federations and its affiliates.
- Commit to launch strong, vibrant gender structures
- Commit to promote sustainable increase of number of women in leadership positions.
- Constitutionalize the young workers forum structure.
- Commit to resource the gender structures in order execute their mandate.
Decent Work and Collective Bargaining
- Congress noted that Collective Bargaining processes where union negotiate contracts with employers is a critical part in ensuring that gender inequalities are eradicated in all its forms at the workplace and further ensure that the marginalized groups get what is due to them.
- Congress further note the matter of Decent Work Agenda and it being a fundamental right of a human person as well as a right for all workers in terms of conditions of work safety and remuneration.
- Women membership over the last 20yrs have increased to over 62% but they are still under-represented in Bargaining forums.
We therefore resolve that:
- To continue to fight against any forms of exploitation of workers in our workplaces.
- To ensure that decent work is applied to both formal and informal sectors.
- To take forward the fight for COSATU Equal Pay for work of Equal Value campaign.
- We reaffirm the resolutions taken in the 2020 National Collective Bargaining, Organizing and Campaigns Conference on Decent work and collective bargaining
GBV and Sexual Harassment
- COSATU has always articulated an understanding that it is committed to fighting for women in the workplace and in the society.
- We have contributed immensely in forging a movement that pushes for gender equality in the workplace and further for the eradication of all forms of sexual harassment in the workplace i.e ratification of Convention 190, adoption of a gender policy as well as the policy on Procedure for Handling, Prevention and Elimination of Sexual Harassment.
- We further noted that Gender Based violence is a 2nd pandemic in the country.
We therefore resolve that:
- There is a need to strengthen the legislations and policies currently in place for proper monitoring and implementation.
- Continuous advocacy and awareness of GBV and Sexual Harassment and continue to work with the CCMA for capacity building of our shopstewards, leaders and members.
- Commit to launch wellness structures that will implement psycho – social support and assist with mental health challenges.
- Participation of women in the political arena have not started recently but it has a rich history of active contributions to the struggle for freedom and democracy. We are referring to great women leaders such as Mme Lydia Komape, Mme Charlotte Maxeke, Cde Dulcie September, Cde Violet Seboni etc.
- We know of women who have led progressive workers’ movements throughout the country despite harassment, arrests and other discriminatory laws which hamper them from operating on their full potential.
Therefore we resolve to:
- Commit to fight against patriarchy across all sectors
- Commit to capacity building for the emancipation of women
- Commit to organizing women in all sectors
- Commit to implement programs that will assist women, and working class women in particular, to be key motive forces for the National Democratic Revolution
- The federation has always been in the centre of international work, acknowledging the work done with the organizations like ILO, UNIGlobal. ITUC, WTFU etc
We resolve that:
- Affiliates should strengthen relations with global unions to share best practices.
- Identify international campaigns that can be driven by gender structures across the world
- Reaffirm our international solidarity with working class and poor women throughout the country.
Elected Leadership
- Lastly, the Inaugural COSATU Limpopo Provincial Gender Congress elected the following Provincial Office Bearers for the next three year term of office:
- Provincial Chairperson : Cde Thando Ndaba-Makitla
- Provincial Deputy Chairperson : Cde Beauty Nchabeleng
- Provincial Secretary : Cde Mosley Molepo
- Provincial Deputy Secretary : Cde Sarah Langa
For enquiries kindly contact comrade Thando Ndaba-Makitla @ 0828083167 and or comrade Mosley Molepo @0721027667
Issued by COSATU Limpopo