COSATU congratulates the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) on hosting a successful 18th World Trade Union Congress

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) congratulates the militant worker’s movement, the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) on convening a successful 18th World Trade Union Congress in Rome, Italy, on the 6th – 8th of May 2022, under the slogan: “United, we continue! For the satisfaction of our contemporary needs, against imperialist-capitalist barbarity!”.

This 18th Congress of the WFTU took place during a very difficult period for workers of the world, who are heavily affected by the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, which only further accelerated the effects of the economic crisis and anti-workers measures taken in most countries. The Congress provided a great opportunity for trade unionists to discuss the problems and various challenges faced by the working class in the various countries and regions. The rich, democratic discussions of the Congress; and the revolutionary decisions adopted will give new momentum to the workers’ struggles and the development of our big, class-oriented trade union family.

President Zingiswa Losi lead a high-level COSATU delegation to the Congress, where members of the WFTU Presidential Council from all over the world, as well as leaders of the TUIs, Regional Offices and big militant trade unions and federations, talked about the importance of carrying out a successful Congress that will light the course of class-oriented struggles of the world working class and further strengthen the WFTU in a period of sharpening of the workers’ problems, social injustice and imperialist rivalries.

We want to congratulate Comrade Michael Mzwandile Makwayiba on his re-election as President of the worker’s organisation. COSATU also warmly welcomes the election of Comrade Pampis Kyritsis as the new General Secretary of the WFTU for the next five years. The Congress also elected COSATU General Secretary Comrade Bheki Ntshalintshali as part of the Presidential Council.

The Federation commits to working hand in glove with the WFTU, to ensure that the commitments made in this crucial gathering are achieved, together with the newly elected leadership.

Long Live Workers Struggle!

Long Live International Solidarity!

Issued by COSATU.

Sonia Mabunda-Kaziboni

International Secretary

COSATU Head Office

Tel:  011 339 4911 |  066 139 4220
