MEDIA ALERT: COSATU Gauteng to hold a Provincial Shop Steward Council

COSATU in Gauteng will convene a Provincial Shop Steward Council (PSSC) in Tshwane to launch a solidarity programme as resolved by the 14th Provincial Congress. The PSSC will also march to the University of South Africa (UNISA) in solidarity with the dismissed shop stewards. The council will then culminate with the handing over of a memorandum of demands to the university’s management. Details are as follows:

Date:     10 June 2022

Venue: UNISA Main Campus

Time:    10:00 – 13:00

The Provincial Chairperson, Amos Monyela will address the PSSC at 12:00.

Issued by COSATU Gauteng

For more information please contact:

Provincial Chairperson: Amos Monyela – 0794 935 002

Provincial Secretary: Louisa Modikwe – 066 182 2402