COSATU Gauteng prepares to fight back against high cost of living in the province

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) in Gauteng convened a meeting with affiliates chairpersons and secretaries on 6 July 2022 in the mist of the increasing cost of living in the province and the country.

The multiple petrol increases, food price hikes, electricity costs and the soaring transport fares is hitting the already depleted pockets of workers hard and the working class in the province. These increases have widened inequalities, poverty and unemployment. This has been primarily caused by the insufficient government interventions and economic policy direction.

As directed by the 14th Provincial Congress to deal with socio-economic challenges faced by the working class and workers and in preparation for the annual day of action on October 7, the meeting of chairpersons and secretaries resolved on a demonstration and handing over of a memorandum to the Ministers of Minerals and Energy, Finance, Public Enterprises and Employment and Labour on 22 July 2022.

The protest will be joined by all structures of the federation which includes locals, clusters, gender, and young workers. The meeting also resolved to join the march to the Department of Health on 20 July 2022 organised by DENOSA in protest against unfair treatment of nurses by the Department. We call upon all members of COSATU and the society at large in Gauteng to join these all-important protests.

Full details of the protest on the 22 July 2022 will be shared in due course.

Issued by COSATU Gauteng

Provincial Secretary – Louisa Modikwe: 066 182 2402

Provincial Chairperson – Amos Monyela: 079 493 5002