The South African Municipal Workers’ Union (SAMWU) in Tshwane Region has noted with concern the Auditor General’s report classifying City of Tshwane as the worst performing Metro in Gauteng Province. Further to that, the Auditor General raised frustration with Tshwane’s high levels of irregular expenditure totalling R2.7 billion and reliance on consultants even on work that can be done internally by municipal workers.
It is unfortunate that the City continues to ignore procurement processes and issue tenders through short cuts. SAMWU has been raising these matters with the City’s management indicating amongst other things that the City is utilizing contractors even in areas where employees are performing such tasks. The City continues to utilize outside attorneys in disciplinary and bargaining cases when there are internal appointed attorneys to do that work.
Amongst other things that create the untenable and instability in Tshwane are the following:
1. High turnover of senior managers
The City Manager position has been vacant for two years and almost all section 56 Managers. Of the of the 7 senior managers 6 are vacant ( Chief of Emergency Services, Chief Financial Officer, Governance Support Officer, Chief Operations Officer, Group Head for City Strategies, Group Head for Communications , Marketing and Events and group Head in the office of City Manager).
2. Failure to capitalise the City’s power stations
Two power stations that have not been operating for years amidst the challenges of load shedding in the City. The said two power stations can cushion and mitigate load shedding in the City of Tshwane.
3. Repossession of the City’s fleet
For months workers have been complaining about lack of transport since the service provider has been taking back his cars and trucks. As and when such fleet is due to repairs and or service, they are reclaimed by service provider for non-payment and other reasons. This results in workers being unable to respond to emergencies due to unavailability of cars and trucks. Communities in and around Soshanguve are now targeting municipal workers for not responding to power outages and other emergencies
4. Failure to service municipal own fleet
Tshwane Bus drivers have been complaining for some time about buses being taken to workshop and not being returned to service leading to reduction of shifts and commuters complaining about shortage of buses. Of 250 buses the City owns, almost half are not on service due to repairs and maintenance. As if that was not enough, there has been a shortage of diesel from 13 July 2022.
In pursuit of stabilizing the City, SAMWU hereby calls for the following
• That the employer stop outsourcing services where there is enough capacity.
• That the employer stop utilizing attorneys on disciplinary matters and also on disputes at divisional level.
• That all vacant posts be advertised and appointments be effected including position of the City Manager.
• That in the interest of service delivery and good health, the coalition government should consider releasing Cllr Williams from his responsibilities and a new Mayor Mayor steer the ship out of troubled waters.
Issued by SAMWU Tshwane Region
Mpho Tladinyane
Gauteng Provincial Secretary
083 941 5888
Valentine Matlala
Tshwane Deputy Regional Secretary
084 465 5598