COSATU Free State to convene its Education Summit tomorrow

The Congress of South African Trade Unions in the Free State will convene its Provincial Education Summit on the 21st -22nd of July 2022 as resolved by the 5th COSATU Free State Provincial Congress. The summit will create a platform to interrogate the alignment of the current education system to the needs of the economy, advancement of the country as well as the level of patriotism that is embedded within the system.

Basic education will be assessed and its ability to develop the readiness of learners to access the higher education system will be reviewed. We will also investigate the relevance of the content that is currently on offer compared to the current and future needs of the economy and human development. We will also review the engagement of learners in evidence-based decision-making processes. This is paramount for the common good as underpinned by the principles of ubuntu.

The summit will also interrogate the higher education system, particularly, its ability to prepare students for seamless absorption into the workplace and the economy by extension. This will be done by concentrating on the overall challenges of access to higher education and the ability of higher education institutions to work as knowledge generators that develop solutions to the current problems faced by the country.

Despite the legislation that seeks to enforce lifelong learning in a form of skills development for workers, the outcomes are not as impressive as they should be. There are serious challenges at workplace level where skills development is not offered equally- where workers are not given universal access. There are instances where skills development is accessed by managers alone and workers are left out in the cold!

The 5th Provincial Congress directed that the Education Summit should serve as a fact-finding mission. Once this process has been completed, a report will be compiled, which will inform our wage campaigns moving forward.

The ultimate objective of this event is to find best possible solutions to the current challenges in our province particularly in the education and training sectors. Simultaneously, it will work at finding favorable conditions for workers in these sectors.  

The struggle continues!

Issued by COSATU Free State

Enquiries Provincial Secretary Monyatso oa Mahlatsi @ 051 447 5499 or 076 115 9923