COSATU North West wishes the ANC a successful and fruitful provincial conference

The Congress of South African Trade unions (COSATU) in the North West is delighted to learn that the ANC in the province will finally convene its provincial conference from the 12th to the 14th August 2022.

This is exciting considering that this conference will take place three years after the disbandment of the Provincial Executive Committee (PEC), which was replaced with the Interim Provincial Committee (IPC), whose mandate was to run the affairs of the organisation.

As COSATU, we hope that the ANC will use this opportunity to reflect on its position in the province and nationally and be able to come out of this conference with a renewed and improved outlook.

The party should also take time to discuss policy issues which will propel the province forward and better the lives and the livelihood of the residents.

Below are policy discussions that delegates odd to discuss and resolve on:
1. Organisational

·       To build strong branches of the movement which can champion issues of the communities and the workers.

·       Promote the clause on the ANC constitution which states that membership is joined on voluntary basis and remove the tendency of bulk membership payment and gate keeping.

·       To build the capacity of the leadership and the membership to understand the history and principles of the organisation and its allies.

·       To develop a program that will unite and renew the organisation at all levels, with the intention of combating factionalism.

·       To solidify unity in the party.

2      Political

·       Building a non-racial, non-sexist inclusive democratic country.

·       Fast-track the call for the reconfiguration of the alliance underpinned by the principles of the NDR as conceptualised by the second communist international.

·       Empower the alliance as the strategic political centre.

·       Build a capable developmental state which will intervene in the economy and the development of society.

2.      Socio-economic

·       Transformation of the provincial economy to be inclusive, with the majority of the active participant being the people within the province.

·       Build a sustainable economy that will do away with the migrant labour system to ensure equal economic development in all areas of the province.

·       Create an active economy which will support the policy of building sustainable livelihoods and create jobs.

·       Improve the working and living conditions of the residents to a point where the Provincial Human development index becomes the highest in the country.

·       Improving the dignity of our people through provisioning of reliable and affordable services

3.      International

·       Intensify our campaigns on the international solidarity and support the global agreements between organisations.

·       Intensify our ideological exchange program with countries which share the same political and ideology perspective.

·        Develop a strategy towards an equal continental development with the initial focus being the SADC region.

As COSATU we have taken a position to refrain from resolving issues based on individuals but have agreed on a set of principles to guide us in identifying and supporting the leadership.

We will fully support comrades who demonstrate the following:

1.      The understanding that the alliance is the political centre, and any strategic political decision and program must be a product of the alliance and be driven by the alliance.

2.      A commitment to drive service delivery to the communities and dedication to a process that revives the economy and create jobs. 

3.      The understanding of our ideological conviction that the NDR is the minimum program of the alliance, and the ANC is responsible for mass mobilisation of society in support of the NDR.

4.      The understanding of the pillars of our struggle.

5.      A commitment to redirect the ANC towards the realisation of its obligations especially those in the freedom charter.

6.      Enthusiasm to unite the alliance in the province and convene alliance activities in the province.

7.      Motivation to build; unite and renew the ANC and assist it in getting rid or minimising of factions in the province.

8.      Stern position against corruption.

9.      Have a strong sense of accountability and understanding of the principles of democratic centralism and organisational discipline

10.  The ability to work within a collective.

11.  Must the assessable, available, and willing to engage with the workers with an intention to resolving their challenges.

12.  The PEC must be inclusive of all national groups.

We therefore wish the ANC a fruitful and peaceful conference, and we will attend the conference as invited.

Issued by COSATU North West

For more information feel free to contact the Provincial Secretary of COSATU NW comrade Kopano Konopi @ 0823395836