SAMWU media invite on City of Johannesburg developments

The South African Municipal Workers’ Union (SAMWU) in the Johannesburg Region has noted with great concern the recent developments in the City which includes the recent removal of the Council Speaker, the recent revelation by Mr Mesuli that he was used by the DA to dismiss 130 employees and irregular appointments within the City. Mr Mesuli has since resigned from the employment of the City, leaving behind a trail of over 130 destitute workers.

SAMWU therefore invites members of the media to attend and cover the union’s media briefing which will outline the union’s position on the following issues;

1.     The removal of Cllr Vasco Da Gama as Council Speaker.
2.     The revelations by Mr Mesuli that he took a political instruction to dismiss 130 workers.
3.     The illegal and irregular appointments that were made by Mr Mesulu before he resigned.
4.     Failure by the City to implement the Public Protector’s report which found that MMC for Public Safety, Cllr David Tembe should pay back the City over R5 million that he irregularly received as Chief of Police.

The media briefing will be held as follows;

Date : Tuesday, 6 September 2022

Time : 11:00am

Venue        : SAMWU House, 1st Floor, 84 Frederick Street, Marshalltown, Johannesburg.

Members of the media are encouraged to confirm their attendance with the Deputy Regional Secretary, Richard Moila on 073 172 9495

Issued by SAMWU Petrus Mashisi (Johannesurg) Region
Richard Moila
Deputy Regional Secretary
073 172 9495
Ester Mtatyana
Regional Chairperson