he World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) will on Monday 3rd October 2022 celebrate its historic milestone anniversary since being established as a class-oriented global federation 77 years ago.

The WFTU regional office under the vice president comrade Bheki Ntshalintshali will be welcoming dignitaries at Cosatu House in Johannesburg and further, give an opening political perspective on matters that the WFTU 18th congress reflected on in pursuit of fighting the demon of capitalism.

We are delighted with the continuous cohesion amongst the affiliates in fulfilling the resolutions of their glorious federation inter alia to deepen class consciousness.

The WFTU regional office is determined to work with mass democratic movement structures toward the intensification of working-class solidarity. We are further emboldened by the resilience of our affiliates to continue supporting this gigantic campaign as part of mobilizing and educating workers on the significance of the WFTU and the impact generated from the coherent fraternal relationship.

We are optimistic that the 77th anniversary will draw the attention of young workers and this, therefore, places serious responsibility on the organizers of this profound event without any favour or fear of contradictions, creating a harmonious atmosphere to the issues that affect young workers to stimulate the discussions for quality output.

We are thrilled also to highlight our commitments to be inclusive about the selection of critical issues that are going to be central to the anniversary which amongst others include but are not limited to Gender Based Violence and other related social malaise.

The WFTU 77th Anniversary will take place on Monday 3rd October 2022 at COSATU House, Braamfontein in Johannesburg.

For more detailed information, please contact:

Maja Mphahlele, WFTU Africa Regional Coordinator, 082 677 4241