The Congress of South African Trade Unions in Limpopo Province held its ordinary Provincial Executive Committee over two days, the 8th to the 9th of November 2022. The meeting deliberated on a number of areas with the intention to defend the interests of members and to positively advance the well-being of members of the Federation in the Province. The PEC emphasized that the unity of the workers in particular and the working-class general is sacrosanct and should be defended and encouraged at all times.
This PEC took place against the background of massive anger amongst the ranks of workers who sense that they are under siege. The economy is in a deep recession. Unemployment is at 44% and youth unemployment over 60%. Many workers have lost wages and their pension funds. Those who are lucky to have jobs are drowning in debt and having to support relatives who have lost their jobs and wages.
Building a strong COSATU
The Federation deliberated and made a strong commitment to continue to build the structures of the COSATU and ensure that the federation and its affiliates have a strong and equipped cadres that are up to the task of defending the gains of the workers and the working class. The PEC emphasized training and building capacity at local level.
With the election of the outgone Provincial Secretary of COSATU in Limpopo Province, Comrade Gerald Mkhomazi Twala as Deputy General Secretary of the Federation, the PEC was met with the task of filling the vacant position of the Provincial Secretary that had arisen. This is done to strengthen the Leadership structure to a full complement, to effectively lead workers in the province. The PEC elected the Deputy Provincial Chairperson of COSATU in Limpopo Province, Comrade Hangwani Mashao as the new Provincial Secretary. A vacancy then arose in the position of Deputy Provincial Chairperson. The PEC filled the position by electing Comrade Lesiba Monyaki from DENOSA as the new Deputy Provincial Chairperson.
The COSATU leadership in Limpopo Province is now currently constituted as follows:
Provincial Chairperson – Cde Esther Mokoele
Deputy Provincial Chairperson – Cde Lesiba Monyaki
Provincial Treasurer – Cde Michael Manganye
Provincial Secretary – Cde Hangwani Mashao
The PEC conveyed congratulatory messages to the Deputy General Secretary Cde Gerald Twala, the Deputy Provincial Chairperson Cde Lesiba Monyaki the PS Cde Hangwani Mashao respectively and sent best wishes on their new responsibilities.
Attack on Collective Bargaining
The period assed by the PEC was characterised by Strike action by affiliates SACCAWU and SATAWU. The tough negotiations were characterised by attempts at union bashing and disrespect for collective bargaining. The workers came out to put pressure on the Employers to negotiate in good faith on their demands for improved salaries and other work benefits. The PEC observed a developing trend of vicious attacks on the principle of collective Bargaining led by our government when it reneged on the implementation of leg 3 of PSCBC resolution 1 of 2018. The public sector wage negotiations for the for the current period have collapsed and attempts at conciliation to break the impasse, on the 30th of October and 1st of November 2022, did not yield any positive outcomes for workers in the public sector. COSATU unions in the Public Sector have been organized into the Joint Mandating Committee of public Sector Unions in the Province to prepare for industrial action to put pressure to Government to accede to the demands of public sector workers. As part of the programme to pressure government the Federation will be having district marches on the 22nd and 24th of November in the districts of Limpopo Province.
Gender Based Violence
Despite our country being a signatory to International Labour Organization Convention 190 on the elimination of violence and harassment in the world of work, we are still experiencing Gender Based violence on an unprecedented scale both in the workplace and in the broader community. Several horrible incidents of gender-based violence have taken place in the period assessed by the PEC. COSATU reiterates its position to denounce gender-based violence. On this basis Limpopo Province will lead a men’s march on the 25 of November 2022 in Lebowakgomo, to highlight and protest against this menace against the rights of our people.
Political and Socio-Economic Developments
The PEC was clear that workers are hurt by the performance of the ANC in government. Workers are aggrieved by the rampant corruption we have witnessed from Vhembe to various other Municipalities and Government departments in the province. The SIU report on the procurement of PPES is just one of the many cases in the province. We must never forget the murder of our SAMWU shop stewards for blowing the whistle on corruption at VBS. It is further disturbed by the whimsical changes that are done to the Executive Council of the Limpopo Provincial Government. These erratic changes are debilitating to the administration and do not lend themselves to clean government and proper services to our communities. It is our considered view that the changes are not intended to enhance service delivery but a consolidation of the faction that emerged from the 10th Provincial Congress of our ally, the ANC. It is a case of the victor humiliating the vanquished. The PEC condemned this flagrant abuse of the mandate handed to the ruling party by our people.
The PEC further committed engaging in campaigns aimed at stabilizing Eskom as the current shenanigans at Eskom and the resultant load shedding stifle growth. In this regard we emphasized the need to strike a balance been introducing the new technologies as against preserving the jobs of workers in the coal and related industries. Furthermore, the PEC agreed embark on campaigns that deal with other challenges in society such as Crime, the Problem of drugs, and to accelerate our fight against corruption and malfeasance.
Hangwani Mashao
Provincial Secretary
Mark Shope House
79A Biccard Street
Mobile: 0824924798