Alliance programme of action in the wake of the Constitutional Court granting parole to the triggerman who assassinated Chris Hani in cold blood  

The Secretariat of the national democratic revolutionary Alliance comprising the African National Congress, the South African Communist Party and the Congress of South African Trade Unions held a special meeting on Wednesday, 23 November 2022.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss a joint response to the disappointing Constitutional Court judgment delivered in Johannesburg on Monday, 21 November 2022.

The joint programme of action that the Alliance will pursue and enhance in the process of implementation is in line with the Bill of Rights. This includes the right to freedom of expression, including protest action within the framework of our democratic dispensation on any matter or decision made by any authority, arm of the state, or third person in our republic.    

The programme of action in response to the order placing Janus Waluś the assassin on parole comprises legal considerations and strategy and mass mobilisation, including a National Day of Action and various protest actions across the country.

The starting point of the programme of action

The starting point of the mass mobilisation pillar of the Alliance Programme of Action will be a picket on Saturday, 26 November 2022, in Gauteng Province, right at the Constitutional Court in Johannesburg.

The Alliance will announce details regarding the legal strategy and other activities to be held on Saturday and afterwards, similarly, while upholding the supremacy of the constitution.

South Africans and international solidarity activists from all walks of life who support the cause united in their diversity are free to attend activities to be held.

Brief background

Waluś is the man who pulled the trigger assassinating Chris Hani in cold blood on 10 April 1993, permanently depriving Hani of his right to life. The triggerman worked with Clive Derby-Lewis, his co-conspirator.

The weapon the assassins used was taken from military armoury under tight apartheid security conditions. This is one of the numerous indicators that show the two assassins did not plan and execute the assassination alone and did not make full disclosure of the truth, as no other person was held accountable for the assassination of Chris Hani.

The assassination permanently deprived Limpho Hani and her children a life of a husband and a father, respectively, with far-reaching traumatic and other implications. 

When the assassins assassinated Chris Hani, he was the SACP General Secretary and a member of the ANC National Executive and Working Committee. His assassination almost succeeded in plunging South Africa into civil war.

By assassinating Chris Hani, the assassins were defending the racist, oppressive and super-exploitative apartheid regime. Their aim was to block the transition from the apartheid regime to the democratic dispensation. The assassins wanted to see apartheid continue in perpetuity.

The assassins did not only go against the oppressed and democratic people of South Africa. They also went against the international community. This is because the United Nations General Assembly characterised apartheid as a crime against humanity through Resolution 2202 A (XXI) of 16 December 1966. In 1984, the United Nations Security Council endorsed this determination through Resolution 556 (1984) of 23 October 1984.

The Alliance Secretariat expressed its sincere gratitude to the peace-loving people of the world who started sending their messages of support to the Alliance and sympathy for the Chris Hani family following the judgment on Monday.


Paul Mashatile OBO ANC Secretary-General’s Office

Solly Mapaila, SACP General Secretary

Solly Phetoe, Cosatu General Secretary


Pule Mabe

ANC National Spokesperson


Alex Mashilo

SACP National Spokesperson

076 316 9816

Sizwe Pamla

Cosatu National Spokesperson