COSATU fully supports the Post Office workers’ strike

The Congress of South African Trade Unions fully supports the two-day strike(24-25 November ) by postal workers under the leadership of our affiliated union the Communication Workers Union (CWU). This strike is over wage negotiations after they reached a stalemate over this year’s negotiations. It is to be noted also that these workers have not received any increase for the last two years.

These workers are still owed backpay for the last financial year and struggled to access their medical aid services because of the failure by the SOE to contribute to their scheme MEDIPOS.

It is heartbreaking to witness the neglect and the disdain to which the Post Office workers have been subjected to. They are threatened with retrenchments and are forced to work in decaying and collapsing infrastructure.

We agree with CWU that the Post Office should have been compensated after the separation of the Post Bank from the Post Office. We call on the government to work with the union to find an amicable solution and take seriously the issues they have raised with regards to their working conditions.

It is critical that Parliament moves with speed to pass the Postbank Amendment Bill and that the government table the Post Office Amendment Bill at Parliament by February 2023 so that it too can be passed by Parliament.  These two Bills are critical to repivoting the Post Office and Post Bank if they are to be able to grow and thrive.  The government too must recapitalize the Post Office and Postbank to give them a fair chance and the necessary liquidity to compete in their sectors.

The escalating rate of unemployment means that an average employee now must take care of about six people. The rising cost of living and unreasonable interest rate hikes have left many people struggling to afford necessities and are stressed by the ever-rising debt service costs.

CWU is implementing the mandate of the COSATU 14th National Congress that called on all our unions to wage shopfloor struggles to defend collective bargaining and demand better wages and improved working conditions.

The message from the 14th Congress is clear, the workers want a federation and affiliates with the capacity to wage militant struggles in defense of their rights, they want strong workplace organization in advancing their collective bargaining demands.

Issued by COSATU    Sizwe Pamla (Cosatu National Spokesperson)
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