The Congress of South African Trade Unions in Gauteng convened its last Provincial Executive Committee(PEC) on 6-7 December 2022. The PEC met at a time when the National Union of Mineworkers(NUM) and the entire Federation in the province mourns the untimely death of six leaders who lost their lives in a gruesome accident recently. Amongst the casualties, was the NUM PWV regional secretary, Comrade Bonginkosi Mrasi, who served in the PEC.
The meeting also paid respects to Comrade Arthur Mbonani and the former COSATU Gauteng Deputy Chairperson, Comrade Nompi Nhlapo who also lost their lives. It then discussed the current political situation, socio-economic, governance and organisational work.
On the current political environment in the province as well as contemporary politics, the PEC noted the debate on Section 189 report and concluded that the national political situation created by this report has thrown the country into a deep economic and political crisis. The PEC raised concerns about the state of the South African Communist Party in the province in view of serious challenges facing the working class. This being the case, the PEC committed itself to a bilateral with the Party with the view amongst others to get a report on the convening of a provincial congress and the absence of the Party in the struggles faced by workers and the working class in the province.
Concerning SANCO, the PEC concluded that the ongoing fights within SANCO have created a leadership vacuum in communities. The voice of helpless communities is absent whilst confronted by poor service delivery and the high levels of crime and gender-based violence. The PEC concluded that POBs should convene all factions of SANCO as part of building and uniting the civic movement.
The PEC welcomed the appointment of Panyaza Lesufi as the Premier of Gauteng after the resignation of David Makhura. The PEC noted with concern the reconfiguration of the Gauteng Provincial Government taking into consideration that the 6th Administration is left with less than 13 months before the elections. The merger of the Department of Human Settlement and Infrastructure Development as well as COGTA and e-Governance will create service delivery nightmares and non-spending in projects directed to the serve the working class. The reconfiguration of government has a dire impact on workers and COSATU affiliates were not consulted. The PEC mandated the POBs to engage the Premier on the ill-informed reconfiguration of government, taking into account that 6th Administration is only left with less than 15 months in office.
The meeting welcomed the scrapping of the e-tolls after the pressure they put on Gauteng motorists. The PEC however cautioned that any proposal that will suggest that motorist should indirectly fund this failed project will be rejected. The scrapping of e-tolls as articulated by the PEC does not mean that the struggle is over. COSATU in the province will focus on a campaign for affordable and a reliable transport system. The PEC noted and welcomed the progressive Medium Term Budget Policy Statement by the MEC of Finance, Jacob Mamabolo. Whilst COSATU appreciates the announcement of the establishment of the Provincial State-Bank and Pharmaceutical Company, the PEC is concerned about the time left for the 6th Administration to implement this initiative as it committed itself to work closely with government on these projects.
Gender-Based Violence, Femicide and Child Abuse
The meeting noted the worrying upwards trend on gender-based violence and femicide. The Provincial Gender Structure was mandated to develop a program that will focus on engagement with communities on the effects of GBV, engagement with the Departments of Social Development, Education and Community Safety and non-governmental organisations to try and come up with new ideas on the fight against this pandemic.
The PEC guided by the four years program adopted by November Central Executive Committee concluded that the following should be implemented by all structures of COSATU and affiliates:
1. To continue to strengthen and defend collective Bargaining
2. Build unity and solidarity amongst affiliates and workers in general
3. For the Recruitment Campaigns to be strengthened and
4. Fight against Gender-Based Violence, Femicide and child abuse to be intensified
5. Education and training of shop-stewards
The PEC noted the current wage impasse in the public service and Makro and committed to support all affected affiliates. With this being the case, COSATU concluded that it will join a march organized by SACCAWU to Makro on the 15th of December 2022. The PEC also called on workers and society to boycott Makro until their demands are met. In the same vain, the PEC condemned the heavy handed approach by the South African Police Services against peaceful and unarmed protesting workers.
Issued by COSATU Gauteng
Provincial Secretary – Louisah Modikwe: 066 182 2402
Provincial Chairperson – Amos Monyela: 079 493 5002