The Congress of South African Trade Unions in the Gauteng Province is saddened by the tragic incident that took place in Boksburg and the death of 26 people. While we are shocked by the release of the driver of the truck on the 28th of December 2022, we call upon all affected parties to allow the law enforcement agencies to do their work unhindered.
COSATU has also noted with concern reports that the South African Police Service failed to respond positively despite the driver’s attempts to alert them on the possible explosion. This alleged unresponsiveness of the SAPS should be taken seriously and investigations into this matter should follow.
We are also concerned about the alleged lack of signage at the bridge and urge that the law to take its course and hold those responsible for that road and bridge accountable.
COSATU sends heartfelt condolences to the families of the deceased. May their souls rest in peace.
We also wish those who suffered injuries a speedy recovery.
Issued by COSATU Gauteng
Provincial Chairperson: Amos Monyela-079 493 5002
Provincial Secretary: Louisah Moepeng Modikwe-066 182 2402