The Congress of South African Trade Unions(COSATU) in the Free State has learned with shock the passing of Cde Tseko Nyama, who was the Qwaqwa Local Young Workers Coordinator. He was also a Shopsteward of our Affiliate SACTWU in the NEFS Branch, a dedicated young cadre who was active in affiliate programmes and COSATU. Cde Nyama succumbed to stab wounds which he sustained after an attack near his home.
It’s saddening how these attacks are fast increasing where workers and community members are not safe even in the vicinity of their own homes. It is also frightening to note how the moral fibre of our society has declined to an extent that violence is seen as the only solution. We are extremely worried about the heinous behavioral patterns that the current generation is exposing to future generations, where there is no regard or respect to life.
We hope and believe that law enforcement and the justice system will deliver justice to Cde Nyama and his family albeit after the fact!
We relay our condolences to the family, friends, and comrades of Cde Nyama. May his revolutionary and young soul rest in eternal peace amongst his elders and the revolutionaries who left before him.
The struggle continues!
Issued by COSATU Free State
For more information please contact:
Monyatso oa Mahlatsi- Provincial Secretary
051 447 5499 or 076 115 9923