COSATU welcomes the downgrade of the South African Embassy in Israel

The Congress of South Africa Trade Unions (COSATU) welcomes the historic resolution taken by the South African parliament yesterday the 7th of March 2023, to downgrade the South African Embassy in Israel. The resolution was tabled and passed with an overwhelming majority, of 208 votes for and 94 against.

Over the years COSATU has consistently called and campaigned for the downgrade of the Embassy in Israel. Even though in 2019 South Africa had withdrawn its Ambassador from Tel Aviv indefinitely, we continued to call on the ANC-led government to be “decisive” and fully implement a resolution on the downgrade. At this point in time, the downgrade of the Embassy comes in just as the Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) is about to commence, from the 13th of March 2023. COSATU has always participated in this crucial campaign, not only to reaffirm our solidarity with the people of Palestine but also to raise awareness and educate members about the oppression that is imposed by Israel on the Palestinian people.

As COSATU we recognise that the demise of the apartheid regime came about because of international solidarity. The entire world stood up against apartheid in South Africa, through all forms of solidarity which eventually led to our freedom. Apartheid in South Africa was not welcomed, as a crime against humanity, nor should it be welcomed in Palestine. We hope this encourages the people of Palestine to not lose hope, and it reaffirms to them that the international community is hearing their cries.

Even though we welcome the downgrade, we are going to continue our campaign to call for South Africa to cut all economic ties with Israel. Furthermore, we reiterate our solidarity with the people of Palestine, in support of the two-state solution, with a demand to end the illegal occupation of Palestinian territories.

The colonial settler expansionism must come to an end!!

Issued by COSATU

Sonia Mabunda-Kaziboni- International Secretary
COSATU Head Office
Tel:  011 339 4911 | Cell: 072 535 1577