The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) in the Northern Cape is extremely disturbed by the Northern Cape provincial government’s decision to re-appoint some high-ranking officials who are facing allegations of corruption.
The two were previously removed from their positions as Heads of Departments (HODs) as a result of SIU and Hawks preliminary investigations and now, suddenly, the charges have been withdrawn.
The Federation respects the rule of law in these matters but would like to point out that, there are many other employees who have been charged internally and have had sanctions against them imposed based on the balance of probabilities and therefore, the two officials cannot be dealt with differently despite the withdrawal of the charges at the court of law. The standard of proof in labour law differs from the criminal courts since in the latter, it is based on beyond reasonable doubt.
It is therefore worrisome that some people enjoy the protection of the employer despite the seriousness of the offences committed.
COSATU calls on the provincial government to review their stance and be consistent in application of the rules and policies.
Issued by COSATU Northern Cape
Orapeleng Moraladi (Provincial Secretary)
Cell: 060 978 5651/078 452 6891